Summer Internship June-2021

Mansi Khatri
4 min readJul 27, 2021


Nadiad NagarPalika Complain Application


This time I have done my summer internship in the company named Narayan Infotech stated at Nadiad. I was given a project in a group of two in flutter technology. and I would say that I have learned a lot in a flutter this time while making this app. my concept is far more clear than it was.


The project that has been given to us is Nadiad Nagarpalika complain app. So we make this application for both the side user and admin. On the user side, we have provided login, signup functionality that has some validation parts also. And at the admin side, we have done signup using OTP verification. Like if anyone has to signup as admin then he has to contact another admin to make him admin then and only then he can be an admin. Without OTP, he can not sign up for this application. So basically here people can register their complaint related to drainage, water, road, electricity, sanitization, etc…And as soon as the user registers any complaint he will notify that complaint has been successfully registered by the notification. Also, the user can see his all registered complain that he has registered previously. There is a profile section of the user which includes details of a user. At the admin side, admin will get all the complain detail that has been registered by the all the user section wise.

Once the action has been taken on the registered complaint then the admin can delete that complaint so that he can be clear that this complaint has been resolved. All the complaining that has been resolved will be appended in resolved complain section for better management purposes.

User Side

Sign-Up, Login, Logout

These Functionalities are essential for most of all of the applications. And we have also implemented these functionalities with some validation using Firebase authentication. For the user side, we have provided a sign-up page if the user is visiting the application the very first time. Once the user has successfully registered, next time he can directly login through email and password that he has used at the time of registration. After logout from the app in case the user doesn't remember his password then he can create a new password by clicking on forget password? text. In that user must have to provide his registered email id so the reset password link will be shared on that email-id.

Stored information of user in firebase


For the Profile section, at the sign-up time when the user registers his account for the first time we have to take all the necessary information about the user, Like Name, Address, Pincode, Mobile Number. this action performs only once to the user-side. Then after user can edit and save updated profile detail any number of times when he wants. All the details that have been updated by the user will also reflect in the database. Here is also some kind of validation like mobile number must contain 10 digits, Pincode must contain 6 digits, etc…

This section is important because when the user registers any complaint at that time this information is also fetched from the database and display along with complaint detail to the admin side so the admin can see all detail of the person who has registered a complaint.

Editable user profile page

Complain form

In this page, the users are allowed to register they are complained by entering their details like Sub-category of problem, Description of the problem, Area, current date, Image Picker, etc. After the user clicks on the button, he will be notified by the Local notification feature. These registered complaints will be stored in the database and they will be displayed to the admin along with user information from the Profile Page so that they can take action on it.

Complain form with some validation and notification.

Admin Side

Pending Complain Section

In this section, Admin can see all the complaints that are registered by users. we have categorized all the registered complain based on their type like water, drainage, road, electricity, etc…

Along with it when the admin taps on any of the complaints he will be able to see all the details of the user and the complaint also with the image that the user has uploaded at the time of registration.

Once the complaint has been resolved Admin can delete the complaint so can be clear that the rest is still pending. Deleted complain will transfer in the solved complain section. These all thing has been done using Firestore Database.

Pending complain section

Demo Video

Learning Outcome

I have learned many important things required for mobile application development during this internship. The most valuable thing is to handle databases by storing and retrieving data from them. Also learned UI designing and to make an application by combining different modules.

Github Link



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