Study Planner

Student’s academic strategizer based on grasping power with related materials

Mansi Khatri
3 min readJul 10, 2020

The only way to succeed in today’s world is moving forward with planning in the life and that is the key to success.

I have done my summer internship in profism company. In the first 10–15 days, I was given the task to study all the application of their company and make a report on all that which include the functionalities of the app and the bugs that I have marked. After that second task was to find the competitors of this company and give suggestions on how to make this company’s app better. I have performed some task to understand the Android app like how to make a timer, show current time, date, battery percentage of mobile and location. Then combine these all in one app using the concept of the fragment. Now the main thing is to make a real application. So I have worked in a group of four to make this study planner.


It contains four functionalities as custom schedule, schedule based on students grasping power, quiz section and material access. In custom, schedule user can make a list of works he has given, schedule based on grasping power take input from a user of a total number of hours of study, no of subject and rating of the entered subject. Using an algorithm app shows how many hours a user should have spent on a particular subject. In the quiz section, the user can check his self how knowledgeable he is in that subject and the last module is material access, in that user can read a related book which is provided there so that user can easily go through it and make his/her understanding clear by referring the provided material.

Click this link to show demo

Demo of my work

My Participation in this app

Login and Authentication in Firebase

Firebase authentication is used to authenticate the users of applications in a very easy manner. Not only for the users but for the developers also, it provides a very easy flow for the authentication and login process that is present in almost every application.

I have learned how to authenticate users and allows users to store them in the application. I have done the implementation of the sign-up, sign in, forget- password or reset password page and logout. There are some criteria while signup with the app as users must have to provide a valid email id and password must be more than 6+ characters. Once the user signup with this application, the user’s signup details like mail-Id and password will be stored in the database. I have also learned how to use HTML tags to design the reset password page when any user tries to reset the password. Below are some pages of my work...

Reset password through email, add data in schedule and store into firebase and updating existing data on the screen as well as in firebase.

Custom Schedule

In addition, I have also work on one functionality which is a custom schedule, to do this all I have used firebase database. In custom, schedule user can make note of his/her work according to the subject or make a schedule of his/her tasks so that the user can go through it and make study easy. These all are done using firebase so that the data will be stored in the application until and unless the user deletes it manually. Once the user enters data in schedule and after some time he wants to change some data then to update existing data feature is also provided.

Designing the Custom schedule

I have also learned how to put this all custom data on the screen where data are properly managed and design in such a way that can be easily understood by the user.

Problem facing during this work

I had face problem in recycling view as the old version has populateviewholder method and the new version has some other method.

The toughest part that I have faced is to retrieve data from firebase of a Tasknote and display it on screen as Android studio has done many changes in dependencies, method according to version but at the end, it was solved by managing dependencies.

“Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching.”



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